What can be relieved by eating severe morning sickness?

Pregnancy is a normal phenomenon in pregnant women, but for pregnant women, pregnancy itself is inconvenient to the body, and many pregnant mommy also have symptoms such as poor appetite, plus morning sickness, the damage to the body of the mommy is Very large, especially many pregnant women have a particularly severe morning sickness and can not eat, so is there any way to relieve morning sickness?


Mango has a spleen and stomach, a fruit that can effectively stop vomiting. It has a good effect on the condition of dizziness and nausea caused by high blood pressure. It can be eaten directly or eaten in hot water, and vomiting to pregnant women. There is a good stopping effect, but the pregnant woman with a milder stomach is still more suitable to drink the mango water.



Grapefruit contains more folic acid. At the same time, grapefruit is a citrus. Its refreshing taste makes many pregnant women who have morning sickness love grapefruit. It is a good choice to make grapefruit juice or grapefruit salad.

Black sesame paste

After pregnancy, there is an adverse reaction to constipation and vomiting. You can use black water to drink sesame powder to get a certain degree of relief.


Yogurt contains calcium that needs a lot of intake during pregnancy, and strong sour taste can make pregnant women with morning sickness more acceptable, and the lactic acid bacteria contained in it can solve the problem of constipation during pregnancy.



Sour food can stimulate gastric acid secretion and increase appetite. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of spleen digestion. Pregnant mothers can make some apple lemon juice, which can relieve morning sickness and supplement vitamins and minerals. Pregnant mothers can also sniff a lemon after getting up in the morning, which helps to relieve morning sickness. But lemons are more sour, people with more stomach acid and stomach ulcers should eat less.


In the case of severe morning sickness during pregnancy, I would like to know what fruit to eat can alleviate this uncomfortable feeling. Apple fruit has a good effect on the treatment of morning sickness, it is easy to digest, and the water content is high, there are many Vitamins and trace elements, these substances not only have a significant effect on the treatment of morning sickness, but also regulate the body's electrolytes, leaving it in a state of balance.


Pears are relatively cold in nature, and the taste is sweet in the sweetness. Women who eat some pears during pregnancy can effectively relieve the discomfort caused by morning sickness, and it has the effect of eliminating edema and controlling blood pressure. These two conditions are very high during pregnancy, so during this period, the benefits of eating some pears in pregnant women are still quite good.



Plum fruit glutinous rice is rich in iron, dietary fiber and various vitamins. It is balanced in nutrition. When pregnant vomiting can not eat anything seriously, you can use Meishu to improve your appetite and supplement various nutrients. When you go out, you can easily carry it with you. It is also very good to eat one from time to time.


Grapefruit is rich in folic acid, and folic acid has a good antiemetic effect, so eating some grapefruit during pregnancy can effectively relieve the discomfort caused by morning sickness, and it can also be used during pregnancy. The phenomenon that the blood pressure may be high may have a preventive effect, and has a good auxiliary effect on the normal development of the baby.


Citrus itself is very rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids. These elements can effectively relieve the nausea sensation caused by vomiting during pregnancy, and it also has strong antioxidant capacity, and there are many foods such as cellulose. For pregnant women have a good complement to the energy efficiency of the body.



The content of vitamin C in cauliflower is extremely rich, especially the green cauliflower. The content of vitamin C is richer than that of ordinary cauliflower, which is called the “warehouse” of vitamins. Cauliflower has the effect of appetizing digestion, stagnation and elimination, which can reduce the reaction during pregnancy.


Tomato is a kind of fruit that can be cooked. It contains a lot of lycopene and vitamin C. It is a non-irritating fruit. Its mouthfeel is sour, this mouthfeel and its own nutrients. It has a good effect on the vomiting caused by women during pregnancy.


Tofu contains a large amount of nutrient protein needed in the early pregnancy, and all the soy products contain high-quality protein. Pregnant women are prone to symptoms of morning sickness in the first trimester, and can eat cold tofu to alleviate the symptoms. The thin-faced tofu sold in the supermarket is also beneficial to the appetite of pregnant women.



Eat at least 150 grams of carbohydrates a day to avoid accumulation of ketones in the blood due to hunger. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, but also contain more vitamin B, can avoid the early pregnancy reaction, while potatoes are also a health food to prevent pregnancy-induced hypertension.


Kiwifruit itself has a lot of vitamins and other trace elements. It is mild in nature and generally does not adversely affect women during pregnancy. It also has the effect of eliminating heat and thirst, especially Effectively solves the nausea discomfort caused by vomiting, and its juice tastes very good.


If pregnant women can't eat anything because of vomiting, they can also drink honey water. The sugar can supplement blood sugar, avoiding fasting and low blood sugar and further causing nausea.

Pregnant women put a spoonful of honey in the drinking water in the morning and afternoon, which can effectively prevent pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, pregnancy anemia, pregnancy and hepatitis. At the same time, honey slows down and laxative, which can effectively prevent constipation and hemorrhoids bleeding.

Pregnant women drink a cup of honey water before going to bed, have the effect of soothing the nerves, nourishing blood and nourishing yin; able to treat many dreams and wake up, sleep is not fragrant. In winter, it is easy to dry throat and lung heat cough. You can use 1 large pear, dip the core and add water to warm the fire. Wait until the temperature plus 50 grams of Ji'antang Jingjiao honey, and even take 5-7 days to get the therapeutic effect. If you use honey to mix the right amount of flour on the face and back of the hand, there is also the effect of moisturizing the skin, beauty and beauty.

What to eat after pregnancy?

After morning sickness, expectant mothers must pay attention to supplement nutrition. The following foods are nutritious and can be eaten in moderation.

1, milk: drinking milk is very good, nutritious, does not account for a large stomach space. If you don't like to drink fresh milk, you can drink yogurt, cheese, milk, butter, etc. Milk is more abundant, especially suitable for pregnant women with poor appetite.

2, protein: meat is stewed, steamed, boiled, decoction, stir-fried as the main cooking method, try not to use braised, fried, fried, sauce and other thick taste methods. Such as water omelet, boiled dumplings, boiled pork, steamed fish, boiled fish, sweet and sour pork tenderloin.

3, fruits and vegetables: a variety of fresh vegetables, can be cold, fried, cold dishes, vinegar, clear stewed radish, meat rolls, etc. is a very good pregnant women dishes; eat more fresh fruit or fruit salad, can not only add vitamins, but It is an effective way to relieve morning sickness.

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